
DeKalb Times

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Village of Somonauk Board of Trustees met April 24

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Somonauk Community Park | Village Of Somonauk

Somonauk Community Park | Village Of Somonauk

Village of Somonauk Board of Trustees met April 24.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Village President Aaron Grandgeorge called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. Roll call: Present-Jim Dockendorf, Brad Eade, Jason Diebold and Rich McMillen. Jake Whiteaker absent.

Staff Present: Village Administrator, Rebecca Morphey .


Motion: A motion was made by Eade and seconded by Diebold to approve the bills list for $49,670.87. Roll Call Vote: Dockendorf-yes,, Eade-yes, Diebold-yes, McMillen-yes, Whiteaker-absent

Closing of the book for fiscal year 2023-2024

Motion Passed

Motion: A motion was made by Eade and seconded by Diebold to close the books for Fiscal year 2023-2024. Roll call: Dockendorf-yes, Eade-yes, Diebold-yes, McMillen-yes, Whiteaker-absent

Motion Passed

There was discussion on wage increases for the staff for the next fiscal year. The per posed amount for the 9 staff is approximately $22, 046.86.

Motion: A motion was made by Eade and seconded by Dockendorf to approve the wage increase for 2024-0225 Fiscal year of approximately $22,046.86.

Roll call: Dockendorf-yes, Eade-yes, Diebold-yes, McMillen-yes, Whiteaker-absent

Part-time PD officer wage increase:

Motion Passed

Grandgeorge explained Chief had taken a survey of the area police departments on the wages paid to part-time officers. It is suggested to increase part time officers to $25.00 an hour and pay part-time officers 1 1⁄2 times hour salary for-worked village holidays. They are also subject to PTO.

Motion: A motion was made by Eade and seconded by Diebold to increase part-time police officers wage to $25.00 per hour and pay them 11/2 times there wage for village holidays worked.

Roll call: Dockendorf-yes, Eade-yes, Diebold-yes, McMillen-yes, Whiteaker-absent

Grandgeorge asked if there was any comment from the audience.

Motion Passed

Jan Whiteaker, 520 Stahl St. asked to address the board. She stated she and a friend had traveled to Oggalsby where another Craft grow is located. They had conversation with the Chief of Police who stated the Craft Grow had a strong smell. The also visited LOVES restaurant where server stated when the workers come in to eat they smelled of Cannabis. She felt that if the last meeting would have been tabled and everyone had looked at this facility the outcome would have been different.

Grandgeorge asked for a motion to adjourn. Eade made a motion Dockendorf seconded the motion Meeting adjourned at 4:25 pm.
