City of DeKalb Mayor Cohen Barnes | City of DeKalb, Illinois/Facebook
City of DeKalb Mayor Cohen Barnes | City of DeKalb, Illinois/Facebook
City of Dekalb Planning & Zoning Commission met Nov. 4.
Here are the minutes provided by the commission:
The Planning and Zoning Commission held a meeting on November 4, 2024, in the Yusunas Meeting Room at the DeKalb Public Library, 309 Oak St., DeKalb, Illinois. Chair Maxwell called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM.
Planning Director, Dan Olson, called the roll. Planning and Zoning Commission members present were: Chair Max Maxwell, Vice Chair Bill McMahon, Trixy O’Flaherty and Steve Becker. Commission members Maria Pena-Graham and Jerry Wright were absent. Assistant City Manager, Bob Redel, was also present representing the City of DeKalb.
B. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA (Additions/Deletions)
Chair Maxwell requested a motion to approve the November 4, 2024, agenda as presented. Mr. Becker motioned to approve the agenda as presented. Ms. O’Flaherty seconded the motion, and the motion was approved by unanimous voice vote.
1. October 21, 2024 – Chair Maxwell requested a motion to approve the October 21, 2024, minutes as presented. Vice Chair McMahon motioned to approve the minutes as submitted. Ms. O’Flaherty seconded the motion, and the motion was approved by unanimous voice vote.
D. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION (Open Floor to Anyone Wishing to Speak on Record) None.
1. Public Hearing – A petition by PSE Huber IL Solar LLC for approval of the annexation, rezoning and a concept plan for a proposed solar farm to be located on approximately 42-acres at the southwest corner of Rt. 38 and John Huber Parkway.
Brant Thomas, Senior Associate of Development for PureSky Energy, showed a PowerPoint presentation on the screen, and discussed the timeline of the project. He added it was discussed in front of the Commission back in March of 2024. He recapped that meeting stating the consensus was to annex the subject site into the City of DeKalb, which created the need for the subject petition. Mr. Thomas described PureSky Energy as a developer, owner and operator of solar farms, adding they handle the project in-house and stay with the project for its duration. He then explained the basic purpose of solar farms is to provide solar energy access to those who cannot afford rooftop solar.
A picture of the subject site and the Concept Plan were then shown on the screen. Mr. Thomas noted a change in their Concept Plan, after working with the DeKalb County Engineer, to accommodate the planned John Huber Parkway extension on the east side of the site. He pointed out several items on the new Concept Plan including the proposed access point, fence line, and the area where the vegetative buffer will be present. Mr. Thomas concluded his statements adding the site will be close to a 5-megawatt site, powering approximately 900 homes per year with a property tax revenue of about $35,000 per year beginning in the first year.
Planning Director, Dan Olson, reviewed the subject petition and went over the staff report dated October 31, 2024. Mr. Olson directed the Commission to the minutes from the March 18, 2024, meeting where this proposal was first brought in front of them. He noted the Commission was generally in favor of the project and recapped the comments and questions from that meeting regarding the vegetative screening along Route 38, the amount of power generated, how many homes would be served and the Decommissioning Plan. Mr. Olson stated the 2022 Comprehensive Plan does call for Agriculture on the site, and noted the subject site is surrounded by farmland. He mentioned given the ability to utilize agricultural style fencing paired with vegetative screening and pollinator species planted throughout the solar farm, the applicant believes this development is similar to an agricultural use. A slide was shown on the screen of the subject site Mr. Olson discussed the surrounding area, including the house currently on the subject site. He confirmed the home and residents will stay. The revised Concept Plan was again shown on the screen, and Mr. Olson pointed out the solar arrays will generally be behind the house and trees along Rt. 38. He added the revised Concept Plan showed the access point moving further east and the property is shown on the plan for the extension of John Huber Parkway.
Mr. Olson noted the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) requires a 50 ft. setback around the perimeter for all solar farms which PureSky has met or exceeded. He added the City is recommending additional landscaping along Route 38 to help screen the solar arrays. He confirmed PureSky will need to meet all landscaping requirements present in the UDO. It was noted they had already updated the plan to reflect the additional property for the John Huber Parkway extension. Mr. Olson also pointed out the 20ft wide access points, the road to the middle of the property, and the proposed eight (8) ft. tall agricultural fencing which is commonly used at these types of facilities. He further stated the City recommends the Preliminary and Final Development Plans come back to the Planning and Zoning Commission for review prior to going to the City Council. Mr. Olson confirmed the petition meets all the findings of fact for the rezoning.
Mr. Olson mentioned one email and letter were received from Attorney Carol Rediehs, who is part of the LLC that owns the 170-acre property at the northeast corner of Route 38 and Nelson Road. Mr. Olson pointed out additional properties to the east of the subject site that could be developed. He stressed it was important to the City to ensure the solar farm is on the very edge of the City and would not inhibit any future multi-family or commercial residential development on the City’s west side along Rt. 38.
Mr. Olson said Carol Rediehs was not in support of the project, and had several concerns including decreasing property values, noise nuisance, stormwater management, and costs of the project. Mr. Olson stated PureSky provided a response to Attorney Redieh’s letter. He noted he spoke to Attorney Rediehs as did City Engineer, Zachary Gill, and both addressed her concerns.
Mr. Olson noted the City recommends approval of the petition and a sample motion was provided in the staff report.
No public comments were made, and Chair Maxwell closed the Public Hearing.
Commission member Becker inquired about the anticipated electric bill percentage discount for the average consumer. Mr. Thomas responded on average the reduction will be about 10%. Mr. Becker commented while not being massive, the savings would still be noticeable. Mr. Thomas clarified the savings would come at no cost to the consumer, who simply need to sign up to participate.
Chair Maxwell stated he did not notice many differences between the new Concept Plan and the one presented in March. He added he is interested in seeing the landscaping plans and Decommission Plan. Mr. Olson added a Decommissioning Plan is needed in the event the site sits out of use for some time. The Plan would describe how the site will be decommissioned and restored to its original agricultural use. He noted there are regulations in the UDO pertaining to decommissioning.
No other comments were made by the Commission, and Chair Maxwell requested a motion to approve. Vice Chair McMahon moved that based upon the submitted petitions and testimony presented, the Planning and Zoning Commission forward its findings of fact and recommend to the City Council approval of the rezoning, upon annexation, from the “SFR1“ Single-Family Residential District to the “PD-I” Planned Development Industrial District for the subject property located at the southwest corner of Rt. 38 and John Huber Parkway for the construction of a 5- megawattt ground mounted soar energy system (solar farm) per the Concept Plan prepared by Pure Sky Energy dated 4-2-24 listed as Exhibit A and subject to the Planned Development Standards listed in Exhibit B of the staff report. Commission member Becker seconded the motion.
A roll call vote was taken: O’Flaherty – yes, McMahon – yes, Maxwell – yes, Becker – yes. Commission Members Pena-Graham and Wright were absent. Motion passed 4-0-2.
Planning Director Olson noted the next meeting (November 18th) will take place back at the Police Department. There is currently one public hearing scheduled on that date for a variance at 250 E. Gulder Road. He added the City Council approved the Project Midwest development at their last meeting.
Mr. Olson congratulated Vice Chair McMahon and Commission member O’Flaherty for their reappointments and provided the Commission with updated contact information sheets reflecting the new appointment dates.
Chair Maxwell requested a motion to Adjourn. Ms. O’Flaherty motioned to adjourn, and Mr. Becker seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 6:15 p.m.