Village of Kingston Government | Village of Kingston Website
Village of Kingston Government | Village of Kingston Website
Village of Kingston Board of Trustees met Nov. 4.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
President Lynch called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
President Lynch led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Present: President John Lynch, and Trustees Dale Coughran, Brad Edwards, Joe Hengels, Todd Holman, and Howard Lyle
Absent: Trustee Steve VanBuren
Others in Attendance: Treasurer Jennifer Dynek, Police Chief Gerald Taft, Village Attorney Kevin Buick, Police Officer Scott Allspaugh, and Auditor Roger Wooten
a. Police Department
b. Village Attorney
c. Public Works
d. Village Engineer
e. Village Treasurer/Village Clerk
a. Discussion on Property Maintenance (Updates and issues)
Chief Taft attended the adjudication hearing on the pending property maintenance matters - two violators paid the fines and brought their properties into compliance or are working on bringing them into compliance, one violator paid the fine and did not bring their property into compliance, and one ticket was continued to the next hearding. Chief Taft did reach out to B&F to discuss completion of the property maintenance violation tickets. After Village Board discussion on the one property owner who paid the fine and did not bring his property into compliance, the Village will ask B&F to cite the property owner again for the issue.
b. Discussion on Windhaven Subdivision Flooding/DNR Status
President Lynch shared that the Village Engineer confirmed that IDNR has stated that the document is done and in the review process.
President Lynch confirmed with Trustee Hengels that both the water and wastewater projects that the Village Engineer is working on are waiting on Illinois Environmental Protection Agency approval and is not anticipating any updates until April of 2025. President Lynch discussed that an archaeological survey will be needed for the wastewater project.
c. Discussion on water main expansion to River Oaks Subdivision
President Lynch shared that Village Engineer is working on writing up project.
a. Discussion and possible approval of Warrant List for Items Over $500.00 dated November 4, 2024
Trustee Hengels made a Motion to Approve Warrant List for Items Over $500.00 dated November 4, 2024. Trustee Coughran seconded the Motion. Motion passed on the following roll call vote:
Ayes: 5 - Coughran, Edwards, Hengels, Holman, Lyle Nays:
Absent: 1 - VanBuren
b. Discussion and possible approval of Ordinance No. 2024-08 – An Ordinance Amending Chapter 2 – Administration, Article I – In General, of the Village of Kingston Municipal Code (Date of Inauguration of Newly Elected Officials)
Trustee Hengels made a Motion to Approve Ordinance No. 2024-08 – An Ordinance Amending Chapter 2 – Administration, Article I – In General, of the Village of Kingston Municipal Code (Date of Inauguration of Newly Elected Officials). Trustee Lyle seconded the Motion. Motion passed on the following roll call vote:
Ayes: 5 - Coughran, Edwards, Hengels, Holman, Lyle
Absent: 1 - VanBuren
c. Discussion and possible approval of Ordinance No. 2024 -09 – An Ordinance Amending Chapter 2 – Administration, Article II – Board of Trustees, Section 2-32 – Oath of Office; Salary; Absences, and Amending Article III – Officers and Employees, Section 2- 126 Salary of the Village of Kingston Municipal Code Trustee Hengels made a Motion to Approve Ordinance No. 2024 -09 – An Ordinance Amending Chapter 2 – Administration, Article II – Board of Trustees, Section 2-32 – Oath of Office; Salary; Absences, and Amending Article III – Officers and Employees, Section 2-126 Salary of the Village of Kingston Municipal Code. Trustee Edwards seconded the Motion. Motion passed on the following roll call vote:
Ayes: 4 - Edwards, Hengels, Holman, Lyle
Nays: 1 - Coughran
Absent: 1 - VanBuren
d. Discussion on draft ordinance amending building codes
Trustee Hengels confirmed that the Village is purchasing the updated building code books to assist with completion of the ordinances. Attorney Buick and the Board discussed the state requirements for the updated building codes and the possible amendments to the codes for the Village.
e. Discussion on Tax Levy Ordinance for 2024 (First Reading)
Treasurer Dynek proposed a tax levy increase of 5% and the Board had no objection.
f. Discussion and possible approval of FY2024 Annual Financial Report
Roger Wooten reviewed the FY2024 Annual Financial Report. Trustee Hengels made a Motion to Approve the FY2024 Annual Financial Report as presented. Trustee Coughran seconded the Motion. Motion passed on the following roll call vote:
Ayes: 5 - Coughran, Edwards, Hengels, Holman, Lyle
Absent: 1 – VanBuren
Trustee Hengels made a Motion to go into Closed Session under 2(c)(5) The purchase or lease of real property for the use of the public body, including meetings held for the purpose of discussing whether a particular parcel should be acquired. Trustee Coughran seconded the Motion. Motion passed on the following roll call vote at 7:34 p.m.:
Ayes: 5 - Coughran, Edwards, Hengels, Holman, Lyle
Absent: 1 – VanBuren
Treasurer Jennifer Dynek, Police Chief Gerald Taft, Police Officer Scott Allspaugh, and Auditor Roger Wooten left at 7:34 p.m.
The Board reconvened open session at 7:47 p.m. Present was President John Lynch, Trustees Dale Coughran, Brad Edwards, Joe Hengels, Todd Holman, and Howard Lyle, and Village Attorney Kevin Buick.
Trustee Coughran made a Motion to Authorize the Village President to Pursue the Acquisition of Property as Discussed in Closed Session. Trustee Lyle seconded the Motion. Motion passed on the following roll call vote:
Ayes: 5 - Coughran, Edwards, Hengels, Holman, Lyle
Absent: 1 - VanBuren
Trustee Hengels made a Motion to Adjourn. Trustee Lyle seconded the Motion. Motion passed on the unanimous voice vote of those present at 7:50 p.m.