West Aurora School District 129 Board of Education met Oct. 7.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
Board Members Present:
Robert Gonzalez, Valerie Brown Dykstra, Ira Lathan, Melody Saperston, Richard Kerns, Christopher Sparks, and Mr. Thomas St. Jules.
Board Members Absent:
Board Secretary:
Joy Engfer
Administration present:
Dr. Jeff Craig – Superintendent, Dr. Michael Smith – Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources
Meeting called to order at 6:00 PM.
1. Opening Items
Procedural: 1.1 Call to Order
Robert Gonzalez, Board President, called the meeting to order and asked the secretary to call the roll.
Procedural: 1.2 Roll Call
Upon the roll call, all members of the Board were present except Valerie Brown Dykstra who joined the meeting at 6:01pm.
Procedural: 1.3 Pledge of Allegiance
Robert Gonzalez, Board President, led the pledge of allegiance.
2. Recognitions
Recognition: 2.1 Recognition of Visitors
The following members of the audience wished to have their presence recognized: Herget Middle School, Schneider Elementary School, West Aurora High School, and AEA-W.
Procedural: 2.2 Public Comment: Identification of Audience wishing to address the Board
No members of the audience wished to address the Board.
Information, Recognition: 2.3 Those Who Make a Difference
Anna Gonzales, Director of Community Affairs, invited Olivia Smith and Jana Ream to the podium. Olivia Smith, Principal of Schneider Elementary, called John Alvarez to the podium. He is currently the building custodian and filling in for the regular custodian. A couple of weeks ago there was a fire in the building and John caught the source and acted fast in order to put this fire out. They thanked him for his service.
Anna then highlighted a veteran coach and teacher, Joe Sustersic. Coach Sustersic is the head coach for the boys’ soccer team and also a social studies teacher at West Aurora High School. Coach Sustersic created t-shirts for the varsity boys’ soccer team to wear in honor and solidarity with the Batavia team who lost a player. Anna also shared thoughts and other ways that Joe goes out of his way for his students and helps support other members of the West Aurora High School staff. Joe works tirelessly to collect donations for various charities, puts together events to raise awareness on social issues, and supports the community in a variety of ways. He was called to the podium and thanked the Board for recognizing those who do these type of activities.
The Board then broke for photos.
3. Consent Agenda
Action (Consent): 3.1 Approval of the Consent Agenda for October 7, 2019
Mr. Thomas St. Jules motioned, second by Mr. Richard Kerns that the Board of Education approve the items contained in the consent agenda for October 7, 2019.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries (7-0)
Yea: Mr. Robert Gonzalez, Mrs. Valerie Brown Dykstra, Mr. Ira Lathan, Mr. Richard Kerns, Mr. Christopher Sparks, Mrs. Melody Saperston, and Mr. Thomas St. Jules
Note: All items approved within the consent agenda are listed below.
Action (Consent), Minutes: 3.2 Approval of Minutes from the September 16, 2019 Open and Closed Board Meetings
Resolution: That the Board of Education approve the minutes from the September 16, 2019 open and closed board meetings.
Action (Consent): 3.3 Approval Of The Bill Listing for October 7, 2019
Resolution: That the Board of Education approve the bill listing for October 7, 2019.
Action (Consent): 3.4 Approval of the Personnel Report for October 7, 2019
Resolution: That the Board of Education approve the Personnel Report for October 7, 2019.
Action (Consent): 3.5 FY19 Non-Certified Staff Salary Report
Resolution: That the Board of Education approve the FY19 Non-Certified Staff Salary Report.
Action (Consent): 3.6 Prior Trip Approval - Europe Trip 2020
Resolution: That the Board of Education approve the prior trip approval form submitted by the West Aurora High School Social Studies department.
4. Information
Discussion: 4.1 School Improvement Plan - Schneider Elementary
Olivia Smith, Principal of Schneider Elementary, addressed the Board to present the school improvement plan for 2019-2020. She shared the vision that Schneider Elementary has developed for this year to address the questions: where are we going, where we are now, and what are our next steps. To address where they are now, the building created a Schneider Creed that encompassed four pillars. The four pillars of compassion, initiative, integrity, and determination are sprinkled in all that they do. The Schneider Creed is recited each morning by students and staff in order to keep the four pillars in the forefront of everyone's minds throughout the day. Olivia presented back and forth with Jana Ream, Assistant Principal of Schneider. Jana highlighted many of the activities that students create throughout the building. One activity that was highlighted under the integrity pillar were the helping hands which allowed students to identify a staff member in the building that is safe and they can go to when they need help. Olivia mentioned that they have two spirit days each month. One is to wear spirit wear and the second day of the month, the focus will be on a service project such as food donations or connecting with community. This is helping to address the compassion pillar. The compassion pillar is also addressed by staff. Schneider created a bulletin board that had each staff member’s photo with a word that would let students know how they want them to feel. Jana then went through the staff activities that were done to address the determination pillar. Olivia stated that one of the next steps is to continue with the Schneider Creed and continue to incorporate the language of learning. Schneider is looking forward to the Investigations math curriculum. Jana stated that it is a difficult transition but very exciting in the way that it teaches a new way of thinking. She is excited about the way it is going so far. She showed a video that encompassed the excitement of the students. Olivia then broke for questions. The Board sensed the compassion that they have for the students and staff and thanked them for caring so much. The entire presentation can be found on BoardDocs.
Information: 4.2 Conveyance of Real Property and Amended Joint Agreement
Dr. Jeff Craig, Superintendent, introduced the conveyance of real property and amended joint agreement between the West Branch Library, City of Aurora, and Board of Education of West Aurora. Two pieces are happening, and a surveyor has worked out the land piece that will be agreed upon by West Aurora Library, Board and City. This will address the land parcels that the West Branch Library and Washington Middle School are on and who own what pieces. That will need to be agreed upon by all three parties. There will also be an update on the joint agreement that will address where people can enter on both sides of the building. Library patrons will only be able to enter through library. Washington students, staff, and parents will only enter through Washington main entrance. There has not been any issues or anything that has taken place, but the District would feel more comfortable with this process in writing. This will be brought to the next meeting.
Information: 4.3 Prior Trip Approval - Purdue Jazz Festival
Dr. Jeff Craig, Superintendent, presented a prior trip approval form. This form came from West Aurora High School and is asking for permission for some of the band groups to attend to the Purdue Jazz Festival which is out of state. The Board had no questions on this trip.
Information: 4.4 Community Affairs Update to the Board
Anna Gonzales, Director of Community Affairs, began with the mention of parent teacher conferences that are in full swing and wrap up this week. She also mentioned the next Parent Leadership Series. The entire schedule of events can be found on BoardDocs.
5. Discussion
Discussion: 5.1 Board of Education Letter of Recommendation for New Generator at Administration Center
Dr. Jeff Craig, Superintendent, introduced Don Ringelestein. Don, Director of Technology, introduced the letter of recommendation and bid tabulation sheet for the Administration Center generator proposal. He went through a number of reasons that this generator would be important for the district office and the power issues that have occurred at this building including power outages a couple times a year. The Board asked a couple of questions and then Dr. Craig read the recommended bid. The approval will be on October 21.
Procedural: 6.1 Public Comments: Audience Members Wishing to Speak to the Board Regarding a Non-Agenda Item
No members of the audience wished to address the Board.
Information: 6.2 Superintendent Comments
Dr. Jeff Craig, Superintendent, highlighted a couple of pieces. First piece was the visit to the final projects of the science donation. This has been a four year process and the District hosted members of our Board and the Dunham Foundation to visit Jefferson Middle School and West Aurora High School to see first-hand what the donation was able to provide. Dr. Craig presented Dick Ebeling with the third challenge coin. Dick was a long time staff member whom the science wing at West High was named after. He also highlighted the high school staff and the successful homecoming week that they had and all of the activities that were put together. He also mentioned the Aurora Food Pantry Gala from Saturday night.
Information: 6.3 Student Board Member Comments
Luis Lopez, Student Board Member, mentioned the busy homecoming week and he broke down by day all of the activities. He also mentioned the Illinois League of Woman that came in and registered almost all of the seniors who will now be able to vote in the upcoming election.
Information: 6.4 Board Member Comments & Dates to Remember
The board mentioned the exciting tour of the science facilities at Jefferson and West High. It was impressive to see the students using the donated equipment. The homecoming events were also mentioned including the successful 5B's BBQ fundraiser. The audience was also encouraged to attend parent teacher conferences. The next regular meeting will be on October 21, 2019.
7. Adjournment
Action, Procedural: 7.1 Adjourn
Mr. Christopher Sparks motioned, second by Mrs. Valerie Brown Dykstra to adjourn.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries (7-0)
Yea: Mr. Robert Gonzalez, Mrs. Valerie Brown Dykstra, Mr. Ira Lathan, Mr. Richard Kerns, Mr. Christopher Sparks, Mrs. Melody Saperston, and Mr. Thomas St. Jules.
Meeting adjourned at 6:46 PM.