
DeKalb Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Somonauk Community Unit School District No. 432 Board of Education met February 18

Webp meeting372

Somonauk Community Unit School District No. 432 Board of Education met Feb. 18.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The closed meeting of the Board of Education, Somonauk Community Unit School District No. 432, was held in the Somonauk High School Legacy Room at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, February 18, 2020. The following members were present: Corey Britt, Nick Deacon, Scott Horsch, Norm Johnson, Tom Nielsen, Michael Short and Amy Wiegman. Jay Streicher, Superintendent, was also present.

At 6:30 p.m., it was moved by Short, seconded by Nielsen that the Board of Education go into closed session for the purpose of considering the dismissal, appointment and employment of employees, including compensation, benefits and evaluation; superintendent evaluation; student disciplinary matters; and the closed session minutes from January 21, 2020. On a roll call vote, the following members voted “AYE”: Britt, Deacon, Horsch, Johnson, Nielsen, Short and Wiegman. “NAY”: None. Motion carried.

At 7:07 p.m., it was moved by Short, seconded by Nielsen that the closed session be terminated and the Board reopen in regular session. On a voice vote, all members present voted "AYE". Motion carried.

At 7:12 p.m., President Short called the regular meeting to order. The following members were present: Corey Britt, Nick Deacon, Scott Horsch, Norm Johnson, Michael Short and Amy Wiegman. Jay Streicher, Superintendent and Chrisy Pruski, Elementary Principal were also present.

President Short welcomed Brielle Dukovac to give a student highlight. She talked about her involvement within the school. She discussed her accomplishments and achievements with being part of the Band. She told the Board about the many events that are taking place for the Somonauk Community in the next coming weeks.

President Short recognized any visitors for public comment. There were none.


It was moved by Nielsen, seconded by Wiegman, that the Board approve the minutes of the “Closed Meeting” of January 21, 2020. On a roll call vote, the following members voted “AYE”: Britt, Deacon, Horsch, Johnson, Nielsen, Short and Wiegman. “NAY”: None. Motion carried.


It was moved by Nielsen, seconded by Wiegman that the Board approve the regular meeting minutes of January 21, 2020, the Treasurer’s Report for January, the list of invoices due and the Activity Fund summary for February, said lists and reports to be attached to and become a part of these minutes; Enrollment Report, Cafeteria Report, and F.O.I.A. Report. On a roll call vote, the following members voted “AYE”: Britt, Deacon, Horsch, Johnson, Nielsen, Short and Wiegman. “NAY”: None. Motion carried.


Norm Johnson reported on the I.V.V.C. meeting. Items discussed were the approval of the I.V.V.C calendar, along with contract negotiations that were about to take place.

Nick Deacon reported the S.E.F. meeting will be February 25th. Deacon told the Board S.E.F. was going to pick a winner for the Extreme Makeover Space Grant after each school gave a 15-minute pitch about what they would like to do with their space. He also explained because of poor attendance these past couple of years at awards night there was going to be a new way to recognize the students. It was said that students who receive scholarships will be recognized at Fine Arts Festival along with Graduation as well. Deacon also mentioned that there was an anonymous donor who donated a $10,000 scholarship to S.E.F.

Superintendent Streicher updated on the Consolidation study. He stated that the consultant had given each district a list of documents that needed to be collected in order to move forward. He also mentioned that the solar project was completed and over spring break ComEd was going to make the final connection to the school.


Secretary Tom Nielsen read the personnel report. It was moved by Nielsen, seconded by Johnson that the Board approve the personnel report as presented. On a roll call vote, the following members voted “AYE”: Britt, Deacon, Horsch, Johnson, Nielsen, Short and Wiegman. “NAY”: None. Motion carried.


Superintendent Streicher showed a presentation that he shared with the public on Thursday, February 13. He said we hosted two coffee chats that were attended by a total of 9 people. The presentation explained school safety, different types of threats along with the school’s response to threats. He explained the training that school staff and administration had in place to further their knowledge in different types of threats as well.


Superintendent Streicher said that Lite came in as the lowest bid for the bathroom project. He explained that this bid and the asbestos bid came in significantly less than what was being used as a budget number. It was moved by Wiegman, seconded by Horsch that the Board approve the base bid proposal for Lite Construction in the amount of $267,890.00. On a roll call vote, the following members voted “AYE”: Britt, Deacon, Horsch, Johnson, Nielsen, Short and Wiegman. “NAY”: None. Motion carried.


It was moved by Nielsen, seconded by Wiegman that the Board approve the base bid proposal for Kinsale Contracting in the amount of $19,926.00. On a roll call vote, the following members voted “AYE”: Britt, Deacon, Horsch, Johnson, Nielsen, Short and Wiegman. “NAY”: None. Motion carried.

SUMMARY ITEM 20.10.08 – BUS LEASE FOR 2020-2021

It was moved by Nielsen, seconded by Wiegman that the Board approve the proposal submitted by Midwest Transit for the 1st year Annual Lease Price as : $11,664.00 x 10 = 116,640.00 and the 2nd year Annual Lease Price as : $12,164.00 x 10 = $121,640.00. On a roll call vote, the following members voted “AYE”: Britt, Deacon, Horsch, Johnson, Nielsen, Short and Wiegman. “NAY”: None. Motion carried.

SUMMARY ITEM 20.10.09 – MINI BUS LEASE FOR 2020-2021

It was moved by Nielsen, seconded by Johnson that the Board approve the proposal submitted by Midwest Transit Equipment for a three-year lease for $11,351. On a roll call vote, the following members voted “AYE”: Britt, Deacon, Horsch, Johnson, Nielsen, Short and Wiegman. “NAY”: None. Motion carried.


It was moved by Wiegman, seconded by Johnson that the Board approve the proposal submitted by Midwest Transit Equipment for a three-year lease for $10,380. On a roll call vote, the following members voted “AYE”: Britt, Deacon, Horsch, Johnson, Nielsen, Short and Wiegman. “NAY”: None. Motion carried.



It was moved by Nielsen, seconded by Wiegman that the Board approve the Intergovernmental agreement with Hinckley-Big Rock Community as presented. On a roll call vote, the following members voted “AYE”: Britt, Deacon, Horsch, Johnson, Nielsen, Short and Wiegman. “NAY”: None. Motion carried.


Superintendent Streicher presented his recommendations for changes in staffing patterns for the 2020-2021 school year which included: creating a new position called Behavior Specialist for a Teacher on Special Assignment, creating a support position for technology integration, hiring a district Library Director, and hiring an Interventionist at the middle school level. It was moved by Short, seconded by Wiegman that the Board approve the recommendations as presented. It was moved by Short, seconded by Wiegman that the Board approve the recommendations as presented. On a roll call vote, the following members voted “AYE”: Britt, Deacon, Johnson, Nielsen, Short and Wiegman. “NAY”: Horsch. Motion carried.

President Short opened the floor for public comment. Corey Jutila, a parent of a student in the district, introduced himself by explaining what his career is and how he is involved in the community. He went on to say he was there to voice opinions of parents in the district concerning the threat that had taken place previously. He explained that they were concerned with the time frame in which the message from the school was given out to the parents.

There being no further public comments, at 8:55 p.m. it was moved by Short, seconded by Wiegman that the Board return to closed session for the purpose of considering the dismissal, appointment, and employment of employees, including compensation, benefits and evaluation; superintendent evaluation, and student disciplinary matters. On a voice vote, all members present voted “AYE”. “NAY”: None. Motion carried.

The Closed Session reconvened at 9:03 p.m. with the following members present: Corey Britt, Nick Deacon, Scott Horsch, Norm Johnson, Tom Nielsen, Michael Short and Amy Wiegman.

At 9:55 p.m. it was moved by Short, seconded by Johnson that the closed session be terminated and the Board reopen in regular session. With no further business before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 9:55 p.m
