
DeKalb Times

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Genoa-Kingston Community Unit School District #424 Board of Education met May 12


Genoa-Kingston Community Unit School District #424 Board of Education met May 12.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Call to Order

Board President, Kristen Andrews called the Genoa-Kingston CUSD #424 Special Board of Education Meeting to order at 6:30 pm.

Physically Present: Board President, Kristen Andrews, David Cleveland, Mary Hintzsche, Jake Wesner, John Shipley, Kristin Brynteson, and Julie Ratliff.

Also Physically Present: Superintendent, Brent O’Daniell, and Assistant Superintendent, Brad Shortridge.

Absent: None.

Pledge of Allegiance

Superintendent, Brent O'Daniell led guests and members of the Board of Education in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Mission Statement

Board Member, Kristen Andrews read the Mission Statement "Preparing students to excel and contribute to their community."

Public hearings petitions questions and comments from guests and visitors

There were no public hearings, petitions, questions and/or comments from guests and visitors

Approval of High School Assistant Principal

Mr. O’Daniell shared information regarding the interview process for filling the high school assistant principal position. He stated there were six applicants, four of which were internal. Mr. O’Daniell and

the interview team recommended formal approval of Ms. Rhonda Andrews as the high school assistant principal for the 2020-21 school year. Ms. Andrews has been with the district for twenty years primarily as a science teacher and most recently as an instructional coach.

A motion was made by Dr. Brynteson, and seconded by Mr. Wesner, to approve the employment of Rhonda Andrews as the High School Assistant Principal for the 2020-21 SY as presented.

Ayes: Brynteson, Cleveland, Hintzsche, Ratliff, Shipley, Wesner, Andrews

Nays: 0

Motion Carried.

KES Re-roofing and Mechanical Equipment Bid Approval

Dr. Shortridge shared the results of the KES re-roofing and mechanical equipment bid. The bid opening was held publicly on May 6. He also stated the bids were reviewed in concert with Hagney architects and recommended the Board accept the bid from Schmeling Construction Company from Rockford, Illinois for the base bid number of $669,000.00.

Mr. Wesner asked for clarification of work to be done.

Dr. Shortridge stated it was necessary to replace the roof and mechanical equipment due to the age of the roof as well as recent damage to building equipment.

Mr. Ratliff clarified the two most recent bid approvals and work to be completed.

A motion was made by Dr. Hintzsche, and seconded by Mr. Ratliff, for the Board to accept the bid from Schmeling Construction Company from Rockford, Illinois for the base bid number of $669,000.00.

Ayes: Cleveland, Hintzsche, Ratliff, Shipley, Wesner, Brynteson, Andrews

Nays: 0

Motion Carried.

Approval of Summer Staff

Dr. Shortridge commented on recent board conversations regarding summer staffing. He recommended the board approve; Rick Young and Mike Ehorn for summer mowing with a start date of May 13 as well as Curtis Rutsager, Michael Sauber, Cesar Marquez for summer operations work with a start date of June 1 all under the guidance and direction of the Operations Department.

The board held a lengthy discussion and shared concerns about public perception, being fiscally responsible as well as staffing needs for summer and fall.

Mr. Cleveland asked if all summer projects were included in the current approved budget.

Mr. Ratliff stated the district operations work is endless and necessary to maintain the district buildings to stay in compliance with the state and county while being cognizant of staffing costs.

Mr. O’Daniell commented on projects postponed and being fiscally responsible.

Dr. Shortridge commented on summer projects and the budget. He also shared concerns over anticipated revenues and staffing concerns for fall with potential RIFFS.

A motion was made by Dr. Brynteson, and seconded by Mr. Cleveland, to approve Rick Young, Mike Ehorn, Curtis Rusager, Michael Sauber, and Cesar Marquez to work as needed and as directed with the Operations Department during the summer of 2020.

Ayes: Hintzsche, Ratliff, Shipley, Wesner, Brynteson, Cleveland, Andrews

Nays: 0

Motion Carried.

Approval of Transportation Parking Lot Project

Dr. Shortridge commented on recent board conversations regarding the transportation parking lot containing several ruts and low spots, which have become safety hazards, particularly in the winter. He further stated the projects estimated cost at $25,000

Mr. Shipley asked for costs of all completed projects.

Mr. O’Daniell stated the district tracks all projects and final expenses and will share this information with the board.

A motion was made by Cleveland, and seconded by Brynteson, to approve the Transportation Parking Lot Project as presented.

Ayes: Ratliff, Shipley, Wesner, Brynteson, Cleveland, Hintzsche, Andrews 

Nays: 0

Motion Carried.

Discussion of 2020-21 Board Meeting Dates

Mr. O’Daniell shared the proposed 2020-21 board meeting dates with the board. Formal approval will take place on May 26.

Budget Discussion

Dr. Shortridge commented on the district’s current fund balance being good to weather the current fiscal concerns due to COVID-19. He did share concerns regarding anticipated revenues and categorical payments and CPI at zero. Dr. Shortridge commented on EBF and the district being a Tier I district and funding to remain the same next year. He also commented on the district’s financial outlook for the next two years.

Mr. O’Daniell stated the district does not typically offer a summer meals program although due to the

current situation food service is currently providing 400 meals a day. Mr. O’Daniell commented on his continued commitment to the SFSP “Grab n Go” meal program through June 30. He publicly thanked the food service and transportation departments for their efforts. He also commented on the meal reimbursements timeline unknown. He asked the board for input and support to continue the program through the end of June.

The board was in favor of continuing the SFSP meal program through June 30.

Dr. Hintzsche asked about future projects postponed due to the current financial concerns.

Dr. Shortridge commented on proposed projects and redlined items postponed to be fiscally responsible.

Bond Discussion

Per the request of Board President, Mrs. Kristen Andrews to review the 10-year maintenance plan within the Bond discussion.

Mr. Cleveland commented on the PMA proposal to restructure the Bond for a $3M issuance and reduce it to $2M while still allowing for capital borrowing.

Dr. Shortridge commented on the PMA presentation and Mr. Lewis’s recommendation of a $3M issuance and the impact on taxpayers and fund accounts at $2M. Dr. Shortridge stated it cost prohibitive to restructure at less than $3M and warned of the district being out of money the following year and the need to restructure responsibly.

Mr. Shipley shared concerns that a $3M bond issuance is excessive. He recommended the board address short-term projects with a $2M bond issuance even if it costs the taxpayers more money for the school to be debt free take on smaller bond issuances in the future to do some and not all projects.

Dr. Shortridge warned of the cost of numerous bond issuance stating you cannot arbitrage but invest to offset costs.

The board will continue conversations regarding restructuring the current bond. Mr. Cleveland will send an email requesting information regarding an issuance cost comparable.

Board Discussion

Nikki Gudall Volunteer Appreciation Award

Mr. Wesner asked for input regarding presenting the Nikki Gudall Volunteer Appreciation Awards to this year’s recipients.

Mrs. Andrews recommended waiting to present the awards at the future in person senior graduation.

Superintendent/Board Communication

COVID-19 Update

Mr. O’Daniell commented on sharing a year-end and fall re-entry procedural document with administrators to help provide guidance for when students return to school. He also commented on discussions for a hybrid of remote and face-to-face learning. Mr. O’Daniell stated being cognizant of the need for social emotional help.

2020 Joint Annual Conference in Chicago November 20-22

Mr. O’Daniell shared the dates of the 2020 Joint Annual Conference in Chicago November 20-22

Awarded presentation slot in Chicago

Mr. O’Daniell commented on the district awarded with a presentation slot for the Join Annual Conference focused on our bargaining and the IBB structure.

Governor's return to normalcy plan and how it affects schools

Mr. O’Daniell shared the Governor’s phase in plan to return to normalcy, and the effects on schools.

Potential hybrid education program

Mr. O’Daniell commented on the potential for a hybrid schedule this fall with an A, B schedule. He also commented on recent conversations with administrators to accommodate social distance learning and doing what is in the best interest of students to include temperature checks and a room for students that may have symptoms.

The board shared input regarding a potential hybrid education program this fall.

Summer school

Mr. O’Daniell commented on continuing with remote learning for summer school.


Mr. O’Daniell commented on holding senior graduation on July 26. He also commented on consideration to students entering the military on July 22.


Mr. O’Daniell commented on the district considering a move to a new SIS (student information system) due to problems with the current Power School system such as; support, scheduling, data errors and insecure network. He also commented on the cost of ancillary programs needed to support Power School and help communicate with parents. Mr. O’Daniell asked the board to support a slow transition from Power School to Skyward an all-inclusive SIS software.

Mr. Herrig commented on the transition and training of the new program as well as cost, which would be split between two fiscal years, included in his budget, with a price lock for three years. He also shared the benefits of the new program to staff, students, and the community. Mr. Herrig also commented on Mr. Spear’s upcoming retirement.

The board held a lengthy discussion regarding cost, external programs, meal service and timeline for implementation and was in favor of moving forward with the new SIS software of Skyward for the district with implementation and training to begin immediately.

Notification of Accreditation from COGNIA

Mr. O’Daniell commented on the district receiving accreditation recognition from Cognia, not only on a district level but also for every building in the district. He stated the recognition is outstanding for the district and sets us apart from everyone else and is excited to share the news with the public. He thanked the staff, administrators and board for their support to achieve the recognition for the district. Reviews will take place every five years with minimal costs to the district.

Mrs. Andrews stated this was one of the goals on the District Strategic Plan and publicly congratulated the staff and Mr. O’Daniell on the Cognia recognition.

Future Agenda Items

Board of Education Meeting May 26, 2020 @ 7:00 pm

Approval of PRESS Policies Issue #103 including Board Policy 6:300 Approval of 2020-21 Board Meeting Dates

Discussion/Approval of Building Staff Handbooks/Department SOP's Approval of the Second Accounts Payable Run

Discussion of Treasurers Bond

Committee of the Whole Meeting June 9, 2020 @ 6:30 pm

Discussion of 2020-21 Lunch/Milk Fees NIA Ballot

Bond Discussion

Budget Discussion

Closed session for discussion of the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the District in compliance with 5 ILCS 120 /2/(c)(1)

A motion was made by Mr. Wesner, and seconded by Dr. Brynteson, to convene to Closed session for discussion of the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the District in compliance with 5 ILCS 120 /2/(c)(1) at 8:26 pm.

Ayes: Shipley, Wesner, Brynteson, Cleveland, Hintzsche, Ratliff, Andrews 

Nays: 0

Motion Carried.


The Board of Education reconvened to open session at 9:05 pm.


A motion was made by Jake Wesner, and seconded by Julie Ratliff, to adjourn the Special Board of Education Meeting at 9:07 pm.