Genoa-Kingston Community Unit School District #424 Board of Education met June 9.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
Call to Order
President, Kristen Andrews called the Genoa-Kingston CUSD #424 Special Board of Education Meeting to order at 6:31 pm.
Physically Present: Kristen Andrews, Kristin Brynteson, David Cleveland, Mary Hintzsche, and Jake Wesner
Also Physically Present: Superintendent, Brent O’Daniell and Assistant Superintendent, Brad Shortridge.
Digitally Present: None.
Absent: Julie Ratliff, John Shipley
Pledge of Allegiance
Superintendent, Brent O'Daniell led guests and members of the Board of Education in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mission Statement
Board Member, David Cleveland read the Mission Statement "Preparing students to excel and contribute to their community."
Public hearings, petitions, questions, and comments from guests and visitors
The Board received two requests for discussion of employment matters.
Mrs. Andrews recommended completing the meeting agenda and responding to the requests later in the meeting in closed session.
Employment Action
The board was satisfied with the documentation provided by Dr. Shortridge with justification regarding employment action items.
Mrs. Andrews asked about the financial and legal impact to the district for an individual with an independent contract-requesting placement on the salary schedule for the 2020-21 SY.
Mr. Cleveland asked for rationale for an employee to move to the GKEA contract.
Mr. O’Daniell stated you could not deny individuals with proper certifications placement on the salary schedule. He also commented on legislation to support the request.
Stacy Volden - Teacher - Effective - May 29, 2020
Lisa Hamilton Bennett - Night Custodian - Effective May 26, 2020
Jemea Green - MS Cheer Coach - Effective June 1, 2020
To approve the following employment considerations:
Maureen Doran - Music Teacher - Effective for the 20-21 School Year
Daniele Luetke - Teacher - Effective for the 20-21 School Year
Natalie Wylde - Teacher - Effective for the 20-21 School Year
Lori Bankson - School Nurse - Effective for the 20-21 School Year
Kim Campbell - KES Summer School - Effective immediately
Letisha Seyller - KES Summer School - Effective immediately
Krista Young - KES Summer School - Effective immediately
Kara Lee - GES Summer School - Effective immediately
Drinda Milinac - GES Summer School - Effective immediately
Jackie Royalty - GES Summer School - Effective immediately
Andrea Laben - MS Summer School - Effective immediately
Kathy Michaels - MS Summer School - Effective immediately
Carrie Rasmussen - HS Summer School - Effective immediately
Ayes: Cleveland, Hintzsche, Wesner, Brynteson, Andrews
Nays: 0
Motion Carried.
Approval of the Consolidated District Plan for Title Funds
Mr. O’Daniell shared the application for the next fiscal year's Consolidated District Plan for Title Funds with the Board. He stated the district could not begin the application process for Title funds (Federal Funds) until approved by the Board. Mr. O’Daniell recommended the Board approve the Consolidated Plan for Title Funds as presented.
A motion was made by Mr. Wesner, and second by Mr. Cleveland, to approve the 2020-2021 Consolidated District Plan for Title Funds as presented.
Ayes: Hintzsche, Wesner, Brynteson, Cleveland, Andrews
Nays: 0
Motion Carried.
Discussion of 2020-21 Lunch/Milk Prices
Mr. O’Daniell stated Cafeteria Director, Ms. Peterson completed the PLE lunch equity tool and recommended a small increase ($0.10) to the lunch fees and no increase to the milk fees for the 20-21 SY as follows (see attached).
K-5 - Lunch from $2.80 to $2.90
6-12 Lunch from $2.90 to $3.00
Adult Lunch from $3.40 to $3.50
Milk Fees will remain the same at $0.45 per carton
Final approval of the 2020-21 Lunch/Milk Fees will take place on June 23.
Discussion/Approval of Treasurer's Bond
Mr. O’Daniell shared information regarding the 2020-2021 Broker’s Risk Treasurer’s Bond with the Board.
A motion was made by Mr. Wesner, and second by Mr. Cleveland, to approve the Treasurer's Bond in the amount of $4,239,718.00 for the 2020-2021 school year as presented.
Ayes: Wesner, Brynteson, Cleveland, Hintzsche, Andrews
Nays: 0
Motion Carried.
Discussion of Building Staff Handbooks and Department SOP's
Mr. Wesner commented on the recent Policy Committee Meeting held on June 8 to review Building Staff Handbooks and Department SOP’s.
Mr. Wesner recommended minor changes with final approval at the June 23 Board of Education Meeting.
Mr. Wesner also commented on the review and recommended update to Board Policy 6:190 Extracurricular and Co-Curricular Activities to better align with the updated Athletic and Extracurricular Handbook
A recommendation of Board Policy 6:190 for 30-Day Public Display will take place on June 23 with final approval on July 28.
June 26, 2020 Second Accounts Payable Run
Dr. Shortridge shared the process for the second accounts payable run. He stated the second accounts payable run was necessary to ensure the right things are booked in the correct fiscal year.
Approval of the June 26, 2020 Second Accounts Payable Run will take place on June 23.
Bond Discussion
Mr. Cleveland asked about information recently requested for a $2M Bond scenario with terms for new money.
Dr. Shortridge commented on the impact of a $2M Bond. He was in favor of PMA’s recommendation of a $3M Bond to allow for new money with a more favorable term.
Mr. Cleveland asked for additional scenarios for a $2M Bond to show term versus new money.
Mrs. Andrews recommended running scenario’s for $2M, $2.5M, and $3M Bond term versus new money.
Budget Discussion
Mr. Cleveland asked the amount of the current FY-20 Budget. He also asked for the amount estimated for the FY-21 Budget.
Dr. Shortridge stated the current FY-20 Budget is approximately $21M and FY-21 approximately $20M without the Bond payment.
Mrs. Andrews stated knowing future state funding will remain flat, and asked about the potential for a district deficit. She also shared concerns over the annual financial calendar and impact due to COVID-19. She also asked about FY-21 building budgets.
Dr. Brynteson commented on ISBE lifting restrictions and the impact on the annual budget as well as funding over the next few years.
Dr. Shortridge commented on the District maintaining a Fund Balance of 6 months through FY-24 and knowing the next two years of negotiated salaries. Dr. Shortridge also commented on state funding remaining flat with slight increases over the next 4 years. He also commented on Grant money to put towards COVID-19 expenses and district office tracking those expenses. Dr. Shortridge stated he would review the annual financial calendar and building budgets.
Mrs. Andrews asked about expenses due to a hybrid-learning scenario with staggered bus schedules, union contracts and longer hours.
Mr. O’Daniell commented on fall re-entry with a hybrid-learning environment including; transportation costs running four routes twice daily, PPE requirements for all students and pushing fresh air into buildings. He also commented on the Cares Act Funding to the district.
Mr. O’Daniell also commented on guidance from the state regarding summer school. Board Discussion
Superintendent/Board Communication
COVID-19 Update
Mr. O’Daniell commented on a future Cares Act Grant to help provide the district with PPE, face masks, Plexiglas shields, thermometers, professional development technology, cleaning and sanitation supplies as well as to help offset cafeteria and transportation costs due to COVID-19.
Mr. O’Daniell asked the board for input regarding necessary updates to the office at Kingston Elementary School due to COVID-19 and CDC requirements. He stated the structural piece is under $12.5K however; the carpet is in need of repair with a contractor currently in the building to conduct necessary repairs now or at an additional expense later.
Mrs. Hill commented on the necessary changes to accommodate students due to COVID-19 and CDC requirements. She also commented on receiving approximately $163K in Grant money.
The board was in favor of moving forward with this project not to exceed $14K. Summer Workouts
Mr. O’Daniell commented on a recent meeting with Athletic Director, Phil Jerbi and the IHSA regarding summer workouts beginning after July 4. He also commented on approval from the DeKalb County Health Department prior to starting summer workouts along with a plan and communication to DeKalb County Schools and Big Northern Conference. The summer workouts will take place outdoors. We will take temperatures and social distancing practices utilized.
Phase III
Mr. O’Daniell stated Phase III allows 10 or less students to be in the buildings. He also commented on student services students and families benefitting from in person services due to state requirements and paperwork. He also commented on Phase IV, which may allow for summer school with guidance from the state.
2020 Citizen of the Year Recipients
Mr. O’Daniell congratulated the 2019-2020 Lion’s Club Citizens of the Year recipients. He also stated The Genoa Lion’s Club sent each recipient a letter and medal to acknowledge their accomplishments in lieu of being able to provide the usual annual dinner celebration and awards ceremony. 1st Sadie Smith, 2nd Marisa Poegel, 3rd Emma Kuschel, 4th Cole Krueger, 5th Brycen Wiegartz, 6th Hannah Walker, 7th Charlie Hansen, 8th Willow McPeek, 9th Kaitlin Rahn, 10th Sean Abracia-Wendel, 11th Delaney Hemann, 12th Zack Kaiser.
Future Agenda Items
June 23, 2020 Board of Education Meeting @ 7:00 pm
Approval of the 2020-21 Lunch/Milk Fees
Approval of Building Staff Handbooks and Department SOP's
30-Day Public Display of Board Policy 6:190 – Extracurricular and Co-Curricular Activities
Discussion/Approval of Fuel Bid
Second Bills Payable Run June 26, 2020
July 28, 2020 Board Meeting Reminder
Potential Approval of the NIA Ballot
Bond Discussion
Budget Discussion
Graduation Discussion
July 28, 2020 Board of Education Meeting @ 7:00 pm
Approval of Board Policy 6:190 - Extracurricular and Co-Curricular Activities
Discussion/Approval of Tentative FY-21 Budget Display/Hearing
Discussion/Approval of Park District After-School Child Care Program Intergovernmental Agreement
Discussion/Approval of Pay to Shuttle Program
Acceptance & Preliminary Approval of Resignations and Hiring’s
Discussion of Superintendent Evaluation Tool
Bond Discussion
Budget Discussion
Closed session for discussion of the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees of the District in compliance with 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1)
A motion was made by Mr. Wesner, and seconded by Mr. Cleveland, to convene to closed session for discussion of the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees of the District in compliance with 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1) at 7:20 pm
Ayes: Brynteson, Cleveland, Hintzsche, Wesner, Andrews.
Nays: 0
Motion Carried.
The Board of Education reconvened to open session at 8:58 pm.
A motion was made by David Cleveland, and seconded by Kristen Andrews, to approve non-union contracts as attached.
A motion was made by David Cleveland, and seconded by Kristen Andrews, to approve non-union contracts as attached.
Ayes: 4 – Cleveland, Brynteson, Hintzsche, Andrews
Nays: 1 - Wesner
Motion Carried
A motion was made by David Cleveland, and seconded by Kristen Brynteson, to adjourn the Special Board of Education Meeting at 9:01 pm.
Voice Vote: All
Ayes: All
Nays: None
Motion Carried