
DeKalb Times

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Genoa-Kingston Community Unit School District #424 Board of Education Met July 28

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Genoa-Kingston Community Unit School District #424 Board of Education met July 28.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Call to Order

President, Kristen Andrews called the Genoa-Kingston Board of Education meeting to order at 7:01 pm.

Roll Call: Dr. Brynteson, Mr. Cleveland, Dr. Hintzsche, Mrs. Ratliff, Mr. Wesner, Mrs. Andrews, Mr. O’Daniell and Dr. Shortridge.

Physically Present: : Dr. Brynteson, Mr. Cleveland, Dr. Hintzsche, Mrs. Ratliff, Mr. Wesner, Mrs. Andrews

Also Physically Present: Superintendent, Mr. Brent O’Daniell, and Assistant Superintendent, and Dr. Brad Shortridge.

Absent: Mr. John Shipley

Pledge of Allegiance

Superintendent, Brent O'Daniell led the guests and members of the Board of Education in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Mission Statement

Board Member, Julie Ratliff read the Mission Statement, "Preparing students to excel and contribute to their community."

Board President, Kristen Andrews asked to move agenda item 8.02-Discussion/Approval of Return to Learn to the beginning of the agenda starting with a presentation by Mr. O’Daniell followed by public comments; auditorium comments, Facebook “Live” comments, a presentation by the GKEA and finally the request to approve of the Return to Learn plan.

The board was in favor of moving agenda item 8.02 to the beginning of the agenda.

Discussion/Approval of Return to School Plan

Mr. O’Daniell shared an updated Return to School plan with the board and members of the community. Mr. O’Daniell outlined the changes to the plan from the previous board meeting. He also stated the safety of students and staff were a priority of the district. He also commented on the guidelines of the ISBE, IDPH, DCHD and CDC guidelines. Mr. O’Daniell proposed the same structure for a hybrid model with students divided A-L and M-Z by orange and blue days. Families would have the opportunity to make a case in the event that an orange schedule was preferred over a blue schedule and vice versa. Attendance, grading and lunch eligibility will be in effect for all grades as in previous years. Mr. O’Daniell commented on a significant change to the plan for Kindergarten with a plan for 5-day-1⁄2 day attendance with a choice of full remote or in person. He also stated Kindergarten is the first opportunity for students to experience school and it was important to give Kindergarteners the opportunity to be in school every day. Grade levels 1-5 would have a choice of in person or remote with a potential wildcard option. The wild card option would allow for the potential of a 5 day in person instruction scenario with the need to hire additional certified staff or long-term substitutes through Christmas. He further stated the high school and middle school would remain with the original proposal of a hybrid plan. Mr. O’Daniell stated transportation would run regular bus routes with the school day beginning at 8 am and ending at 1 pm while managing meals so that students are not waiting too long to eat lunch. He also commented on the ever-changing climate due to the pandemic and continuing to review and access the changes as well as the guidelines of ISBE, IDPH, DCHD and the CDC to ensure the best education as well as safety of staff and students in the forefront. Mr. O’Daniell stated if the board approves the Return to Learn plan a survey will be sent as soon as possible to know what the first day of school will look like. He asked for questions from the board.

Dr. Brynteson asked about the teacher/student ratio for full remote learning.

Mr. O’Daniell stated honoring previous discussions of the staff and board for student/teacher ratio whether in person or remote.

Public hearings petitions questions and comments from guests and visitors

Megan Perry - Shared concerns over the safety of all students and staff as well as the sharing of materials. She also stated it was important to abide by ISBD, DCHD, IDPH and CDC guidelines. She further commented on spending the summer learning more about remote learning to help students to be successful.

Andrea Laben – Shared concerns over the impact on learning with safety being a priority.

Matt Krueger – Stated he and his wife have three high school students and was not in favor of the current plan but in favor of in-person learning 5-days a week. He also stated that the current guidelines were over kill.

Karmen Ewald – Shared concerns over the upward trend in Covid-19 cases and safety of staff, students and families.

Cindy Stoll – Apologized for her comments made at a previous meeting where she spoke from emotion. She also stated GK is the epitome of small town pride and that all teachers work hard for our students.

Lisa Havener – Shared concerns over students with IEP’s and students that do best learning by doing in a kinesthetic environment.

Erica Swan – Shared concerns over in person instruction increasing the risks of spreading infection. She was in favor of full remote learning for the least disruption in education and fear of fall back to Phase II due to the current reported number in Covid-19 cases.

Mr. O’Daniell read the public comments from the Google Form and Facebook “Live”.

Alex Y - Shared concerns over the Return to Learn school plan.

Victoria Mortimer - Asked about registration fees and KEC transportation.

Jennifer Volkening - Shared concerns about early childhood and students wearing masks all day.

Chad Peterson – Asked about full time in-person and hybrid options. He also shared concerns over students wearing masks all day as well as the social emotional well-being of students. He also asked whom the district is receiving guidance.

Melissa Darrow – Asked what K-5 learning would look like in a hybrid versus remote option.

Donald Stout - Asked about delaying the opening of school until there was a vaccine.

Barb Massingill – Asked if there was an option to change schedules due to childcare conflicts.

Nora Tomasik – Shared concerns over students and staff health and safety attending school full time.

Shannon Mansfield, Stacy Catalano, Jennifer Franz, Brooke Benesh & Meghan Malley – Employees of the district commented on the hybrid plan allowing for social emotional interactions and structure for students while still keeping in mind the health and safety of staff and students.

Jessica Sus – Was in favor of high school students in school full time 5 days a week.

Theresa Scott – Asked about remote learning and interaction of peers.

Rosie – Shared concerns regarding IEP’s.

Pete Miller – Asked about a reduction in registration fees, technology and school supplies due to the hybrid plan.

Karie Gutknecht-Sabin – Commented on the current school theme of “Promote Positive '' and Mr. O’Daniell’s comments on needing to stay in the box and challenged the district, staff, and community as Cogs, to take that box to the next level; be positive, use every inch of that box, no matter what style schooling the district chooses.

Jenny Roof – Asked about the remote learning schedule for grade school students. She also asked whom the district is getting daily guidance from to keep schools open or shut down and who makes the ultimate decision. She further asked if a student could switch from hybrid to full remote.

Dr. Phillip Vermillion – Thanked the board for their service and expressed concerns over the demonization that some of the community have voiced concerning remote learning earlier in the spring. He commented on the success of remote learning in the spring, the teacher’s ability to keep students engaged during an unprecedented situation, and that remote learning would likely improve in the future. Dr. Vermillion commented on face-to-face instruction looking nothing like “normal” under the current guidelines and shared concerns over the safety of students and staff during the pandemic.

Ann Hughes – Asked how there could be so much concern over the current COVID-19 data and not prior flu outbreaks.

Alyssa Di Guido – Shared concerns over the proposed meal service plan within the hybrid plan. Maria Cabrera – Asked about the August start date and transportation.

Shelly Skau – Asked about attendance plans in the event a student tests positive for COVID -19 versus the flu.

Megan Bacon – Asked if KES students would receive Chrome books, meet their new teachers and could change programs after the start of school.

Mrs. Andrews asked that all new questions be added to the current FAQ’s page on the website.

Presentation from GKEA

GKEA President, Ben Owen shared survey results requested by the board. There were 145 total responses from a union of over 200 members. Mr. Owen shared a breakdown by building and primary position. Primary concerns of the union were the health and safety of staff, students and families as well as the policies and protocols if someone tests positive to eliminate disruption in education. KES overall preferred a full in person scenario with teachers preferring a hybrid with full in person as second. GES overall preferred a hybrid with teachers preferring a hybrid with in person as second. GKMS and GKHS overall preferred full remote with a hybrid second. He also commented on teachers working harder in a remote or hybrid model than in person. The data shows that teachers want to be back in the classroom but do not want to risk the health and safety of all stakeholders and prolong getting back into classrooms and in person learning. Mr. Owen asked the board to use the voice of the union to work together in these circumstances to do what is best for kids. He also thanked the board for allowing for union input.

The board held a lengthy discussion regarding the revised Return to School plan.

Mr. O’Daniell stated he would answer all questions from the meeting, add them to the FAQ’s on the website and then send out the survey.

The board discussed starting the school year remotely as well as face to face to build relationships in case there was a need to go full remote.

Mr. Cleveland asked who would continue to review and monitor the Return to Learn plan. Mr. Cleveland recommended that a board member share the responsibility to review and monitor the plan. He also asked how the 1⁄2-day Kindergarten class schedule would be determined as well as health screening protocols and the procedure if there were to be a COVID case.

Mrs. Andrews was not in favor of a board member sharing the responsibility of reviewing the Return to Learn plan and stated that was an administrative role.

Mr. O’Daniell stated Administration would continue to review and monitor the Return to Learn plan as well as the needs of students and families relating to schedules. He also commented on the district nurses following the ISBE, CDC, IDPH and DCHD guidelines and continuing to monitor health concerns of the district.

The board held a lengthy discussion regarding health and safety protocols, district nurses as well as the protocols and procedures if a student or staff member were to test positive for COVID. The board also discussed future changes to the Return to Learn plan and the need for additional certified staff or long-term substitutes.

Mrs. Andrews was in favor of reviewing the counties overall top substitute rate to stay above the competition.

The board was in favor of working with the Superintendent to stay informed of the current COVID phases as well as the Return to Learn plan and potential changes to that plan.

A motion was made by Mr. Wesner, and second by Mrs. Ratliff, to approve the Return to School Plan as presented.

Ayes: Wesner, Brynteson, Hintzsche, Ratliff, Andrews 

Abstain: Cleveland

Motion Carried.

Consent Agenda

Payrolls, Accounts Payable, Minutes

A motion was made by Dr. Brynteson, and seconded by Mrs. Ratliff, to approve the June 25, 2020 payroll in the amount of $600,493.23, the July 9, 2020 payroll in the amount of $489,200.84, the July 23, 2020 payroll in the amount of $477,899.73, the July 2020 Payable Board Report in the amount of $1,442,291.25, the June 23, 2020 Board of Education Meeting Minutes, the July 20, 2020 Special Board of Education Meeting Minutes, and the June 23, 2020 Closed Session Meeting Minutes. The approval of the closed session minutes does not constitute disclosure or dissemination until the Board has authorized the dissemination or disclosure of these minutes.

Ayes: Brynteson, Cleveland, Hintzsche, Ratliff, Wesner, Andrews 


Motion Carried.

Employment Action

Resignation of Board Member John Shipley

Mr. O’Daniell stated that Mr. Shipley tendered his resignation from the board effective July 20, 2020 vacating a 4-year term. He also commented on the timeline and requirements to fill the vacancy.

Mrs. Andrews recommended following past practice and procedures to fill the board vacancy.

A motion was made by Dr. Brynteson, and second by Mr. Wesner, to accept the board resignation of Mr. John Shipley as presented.

Ayes: Hintzsche, Ratliff, Wesner, Brynteson, Cleveland, Andrews 

Nays: 0

Motion Carried.

Resignations, Employment

A motion was made by Mr. Cleveland, and seconded by Mr. Wesner,

To approve the following resignations:

Shannon Strader - Cook - Effective July 7, 2020

Laura Volkening - 8th Grade Basketball Coach - Effective June 22, 2020 Ryan Wade - Custodian - Effective August 5, 2020

To approve the following employment considerations:

Nicholas Elsbory Teacher - Effective for the 2020-2021 School Year Karen Theis – Teacher - Effective for the 2020-2021 School Year

Ayes: Cleveland, Hintzsche, Ratliff, Wesner, Brynteson, Andrews 

Nays: 0

Motion Carried.

Treasurer's Report

Mrs. Krabbe presented a detailed treasurer’s report to the board as well as an annual report of overall finances. Mrs. Krabbe commented on the district receiving a $50K Grant and publicly acknowledged the efforts of Dr. Steinbach and Mr. Ratliff. She also stated at the end of June the state was in the rears$134K.

A motion was made by Mr. Cleveland, and seconded by Dr. Brynteson, to approve the June Treasurer's Report as presented.

Ayes: Hintzsche, Ratliff, Wesner, Brynteson, Cleveland, Andrews 

Nays: 0

Motion Carried.

Old Business

Approval of Board Policy 6:190 Extracurricular and Co-Curricular Activities

Mr. O’Daniell commented on a previous meeting where Board Policy 6:190 was discussed and placed on 30-day public display and recommended the board approve board policy 6:190 as presented.

A motion was made by Mr. Wesner, and second by Mrs. Ratliff, to approve Board Policy 6:190 Extracurricular and Co-Curricular Activities as presented.

Ayes: Ratliff, Wesner, Brynteson, Cleveland, Hintzsche, Andrews 

Nays: 0

Motion Carried.

New Business

Discussion/Approval of Tentative FY-21 Budget Display/Hearing

Dr. Shortridge shared a FY-21 Tentative Budget presentation with the board. He commented on the revenues and expenses as well as their effects due to Covid-19. He also commented on activity accounts being a part of the budget for the first time. He recommended the approval of the FY-21 Tentative Budget as well as approvals for the public display and authorization for the notice to schedule the public hearing for September 22, 2020.

A motion was made by Dr. Brynteson, and seconded by Mrs. Ratliff, to approve the FY-21 Tentative Budget as presented.

Ayes: Brynteson, Cleveland, Hintzsche, Ratliff, Wesner, Andrews 

Nays: 0

Motion Carried.

A motion was made by Mr. Ratliff, and second by Dr. Brynteson, to place the FY-21 Tentative Budget on public display for not less than thirty (30) days, authorize publishing of the appropriate notice and schedule the public hearing for September 22, 2020.

Ayes: Cleveland, Hintzsche, Ratliff, Wesner, Brynteson, Andrews 

Nays: 0

Motion Carried.

Banking Resolutions

Mr. O’Daniell asked that the board approve two new banking resolutions that give permission for the change of signatories for the high school Activity account and Imprest Account.

A motion was made by Mr. Wesner, and seconded by Mrs. Ratliff, to approve the First Midwest Bank Banking Resolutions for Genoa-Kingston High School Activity Account and Imprest Account as presented.

Ayes: Hintzsche, Ratliff, Wesner, Brynteson, Cleveland, Andrews 

Nays: 0

Motion Carried.

Discussion/Approval of Park District After-School Child Care Program Intergovernmental Agreement

Mr. O’Daniell commented on the Park District After-School Child Care Program Intergovernmental Agreement. He commented on a recent discussion with Mr. Bafia regarding the Park District agreeing to provide childcare until 5 pm at a discounted rate as well as discussions over liability.

Mr. O’Daniell asked to table the recommended approval of the Park District After-School Child Care Program Intergovernmental Agreement to August 11, 2020.

Mrs. Andrews asked to change the August 11, Committee of the Whole Meeting to a Special Board of Education Meeting at the same start time of 6:30 pm to allow for further discussion and recommended approval of the Park District Child Care Program..

Discussion/Approval of Pay to Shuttle Program

Mr. O’Daniell stated the Pay to Shuttle Program is a service that is not required but offered for those families outside the 1-1/2 mile radius. He also shared the previous year’s Pay to Shuttle data and asked the board to re-authorize the program for the 2020-2021 school year.

A motion was made by Mrs. Ratliff, and second by Dr. Brynteson, to approve the Pay to Shuttle Program for the 2020-2021 school year as presented.

Ayes: Wesner, Brynteson, Cleveland, Hintzsche, Ratliff, Andrews 

Nays: 0

Motion Carried.

Genoa Kingston/Kishwaukee College MOU for Dual Credit Classes

The Genoa Kingston/Kishwaukee College MOU for Dual Credit Classes was tabled to August 11, 2020.

Discussion/Approval Middle School Football Intergovernmental Agreement

Mr. O’Daniell commented on the proposed Middle School Football Intergovernmental Agreement. He stated all health and safety guidelines would be enforced.

Mr. Cleveland was not in favor of approving the Middle School Intergovernmental Agreement. He commented on sending mixed messages bringing out of district students into play with GK District students. He asked to wait for more guidance from the IHSA.

Mr. Jerbi commented on upcoming meetings with the IHSA. He also commented on communication from the IHSA, ISBE, CDC and IDPH to stay up to date on current health and safety protocols. He also stated 8-12 students and one coach would be participating from Hiawatha and without approval would not allow for two teams and Hiawatha would miss the first game.

Dr. Hintzsche agreed with Mr. Cleveland and was not in favor of approving the Middle School Football Intergovernmental Agreement.

Mr. Wesner was in favor of the agreement.

A motion was made by Mr. Wesner, and second by Mrs. Ratliff, to approve the Middle School Intergovernmental Agreement between Genoa-Kingston CUSD #424 and Hiawatha School District #426 as presented.

Ayes: Ratliff, Wesner, Brynteson Nays: Cleveland, Hintzsche, Andrews

Motion does not pass.

Amended 2020-2021 Public School Calendar

Mr. O’Daniell commented on the need to amend the 2020-2021 Public School Calendar this year due to Election Day November 3, 2020 recognized as a day off just for this school year.

A motion was made by Dr. Brynteson, and second by Mr. Cleveland, to approve the amended 2020- 2021 Public School Calendar as presented.

Ayes: Cleveland, Hintzsche, Wesner, Brynteson, Andrews 

Nays: 0

Motion Carried.

Acceptance & Preliminary Approval of Resignations and Hiring's

Mr. O’Daniell commented on resignations and hiring’s commonly submitted in short order prior to the beginning of the school year. In an effort to be more efficient. He asked the board for that preliminary authority again for the upcoming school year. Nothing to do with the structure of instruction itself.

A motion was made by Cleveland, and seconded by Dr. Brynteson, to give authority to the Superintendent to accept preliminary hires and resignations prior to formal approval by the Board of Education.

Ayes: Hintzsche, Ratliff, Wesner, Brynteson, Cleveland, Andrews 

Nays: 0

Motion Carried.

Discussion/Approval of NIA Ballot

A motion was made by Mrs. Ratliff, and second by Mr. Cleveland, for the Genoa-Kingston CUSD #424 Board of Education to approve one vote for Francine Eggleston-Kaneland #302, Director of Special Education and one vote for Steve Wilder,-Sycamore CUDS #427, Member at Large to the Executive Board of the Northwestern Illinois Association, Subregion 1.

Ayes: Ratliff, Wesner, Brynteson, Cleveland, Hintzsche, Andrews 

Nays: 0

Motion Carried.

Discussion to Fill a Board Vacancy

This was discussed earlier in the meeting due to Mr. Shipley tendering his resignation on July 20, 2020.

FOIA Report

There is only one FOIA to report from Smart Procure.


There are no donations to report this month.

Budget Discussion

No discussion due to FY-21 TB discussion earlier in the meeting.

Bond Discussion

Mr. Cleveland stated he would report on this item on August 11, 2020.

Board Discussion

Dr. Hintzsche asked for a follow up to the Power School transition to Skyward.

Mr. O’Daniell commented on moving forward with the transition to Skyward this school year. Superintendent/Board Communication

Mr. O’Daniell publicly thanked Mr. Jerbi, Mrs. Butler, Mrs. Miranda the custodial staff and teachers that came out to make it a memorable event even under the circumstances. Thank you for your dedication.

Mrs. Andrews also publicly thanked Mr. Jerbi, Mrs. Butler, Mrs. Miranda and the custodial staff for all their efforts to make high school graduation memorable.

Future Agenda Items

Policy Committee Meeting TBD

Review of PRESS Policies #104

Special BOE Meeting August 11, 2020 - 6:30 pm

Discussion/Approval of Park District After-School Child Care Program Intergovernmental Agreement Genoa Kingston/Kishwaukee College MOU for Dual Credit Classes

Review of PRESS Policies #104

Administrative Review of Closed Session Meeting Minutes

Administrative Review of Closed Session Audio Budget Discussion

Bond Discussion

Board Discussion

Board of Education Meeting August 25, 2020 - 7:00 pm

Approval for 30-Day Public Display of Press Policies #104 Approve/Review of Closed Session Meeting Minutes Approve Destruction of Closed Session Audio

Annual Review of Hazardous Transportation Route(s) Budget Discussion

Bond Discussion

Board Discussion

Closed Session for the purpose of discussion relating to the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the District in compliance with 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1)

A motion was made by Dr. Brynteson, and seconded by Mrs. Ratliff, to convene to Closed Session for the purpose of discussion relating to the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the District in compliance with 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1) at 10:27 pm.

Ayes: Wesner, Brynteson, Cleveland, Hintzsche, Ratliff, Andrews 

Nays: 0

Motion Carried.


The Board of Education reconvened to open session at 10:48 pm.


A motion was made by Jake Wesner, and seconded by Julie Ratliff, to adjourn the Board of Education Meeting at 10:49 pm.

Roll Call Vote: Dr. Brynteson, Mr. Cleveland, Dr. Hintzsche, Mrs. Ratliff, Mr. Wesner, Mrs. Andrews.

Ayes: All

Nays: None

Motion Carried
