
DeKalb Times

Monday, February 24, 2025

Sycamore Community Unit School District #427 Board of Education Met November 24

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Sycamore Community Unit School District #427 Board of Education met Nov. 24.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The Board of Education of Sycamore Community Unit School District #427 met in regular session in the auditorium at Sycamore High School, 427 Spartan Trail, Sycamore, Illinois. This meeting was also live-streamed through Spartan TV.

Members present

Julenne Davey, Jeff A Jacobson, Eric N Jones, Jim J Dombek

Members absent

James M Chyllo, Steve M Nelson, Kristen R Wrenn

Others Present

Steve Wilder, Superintendent; Nicole Stuckert, Asst. Supt. for Business Services; Kathy Sloniker, Admin. Assist. to Supt./Board of Education

Administrators Present


Audience Members Present

J. Currier, PMA; R. Helm, D. Olson, H. Thomas, H. Tucker

Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM

1. Call to Order

1.01 Call To Order

President Dombek called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

1.02 Pledge of Allegiance

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

1.03 Roll Call/Adoption of Agenda

Motion by Jeff A Jacobson, second by Julenne Davey, to approve the agenda as presented.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Aye: Julenne Davey, Jeff A Jacobson, Eric N Jones, Jim J Dombek

2. Consent Agenda

2.01 Approval of Minutes of Regular Meeting November 10, 2020*

2.02 Approval of Minutes of Executive Session November 10, 2020*

2.03 Bills Payable*

2.04 Financial Reports*

2.05 Disposal of Equipment*

Motion by Eric N Jones, second by Jeff A Jacobson, to approve the Consent Agenda as presented.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Aye: Julenne Davey, Jeff A Jacobson, Eric N Jones, Jim J Dombek

3. Public Hearing

3.01 Public Hearing for Adoption of a Levy in Conformance to the Requirements of the Truth in Taxation Act

President Dombek called the Public Hearing for the Adoption of a Levy in Conformance to the Requirements of the Truth in Taxation Act to order. No one from the audience choose to speak and no written communications were received. President Dombek closed the public hearing.

4. Audience to Visitors

4.01 Audience Participation

No one from the audience addressed the Board.

5. Communications/Correspondence/Informational Items

5.01 Various Letters/Newsletters

President Dombek stated that these items have been placed in the Board packet for the Board's information.

5.02 FOIA Requests

No FOIA requests have been received since the last meeting.

5.03 Committee Reports

President Dombek attended the Illinois School Board of Education's (ISBE) virtual conference. He stated that it was very informative and well done. He felt that the District was already following the paths the presentations were suggesting regarding COVID-19 protocols and governance.

6. Assistant Superintendent for Business Services' Report

6.01 Non-Referendum Bond Issue Discussion

Mrs. Stuckert stated that at a previous meeting the Board prioritized some building projects that were presented by Mr. Ekstrom, Director of Buildings and Grounds; and Mr. Woods from FGM. She stated that Ms. Currier from PMA, is at the meeting tonight to discuss financing options for those projects.

Ms. Currier reviewed the Districts existing debt levy detail and shared the Debt Service Extension Base (DSEB) with the Board. She also reviewed interest rates from 2003-present, noting that rates are currently at historic lows, making it a good time to borrow money. Ms. Currier reviewed borrowing options with the Board, and recommended working cash bonds, which would require the Board to hold a Bond Issue Notification Act (BINA) hearing as well as allow for a 30-day petition process. She presented three (3) scenarios for bond repayment. Mrs. Stuckert recommended Scenario 3, which would allow the District an option for additional borrowing in approximately three (3) years. Ms. Currier reviewed a proposed timeline for the Bond Issue with the Board.

President Dombek asked if the bonds could be paid off early. Ms. Currier indicated that the bonds are callable, so they could be refinanced.

6.02 Adoption of the 2020 Tax Levy Resolution*

Motion by Eric N Jones, second by Julenne Davey, to approve the 2020 Tax Levy Resolution as presented.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Aye: Julenne Davey, Jeff A Jacobson, Eric N Jones, Jim J Dombek

7. Superintendent's Report

7.01 Return to Learning Update

Mr. Wilder reviewed the District Mission, Vision, Core Values, and PLC questions with the Board.

Mr. Wilder gave the Board an update on the Return to Learning Plan. He stated that the District will return to remote learning on Monday, November 30, 2020, and will take an adaptive pause until January 15, 2021, based on the recommendation of the DeKalb County Health Department (DCHD). He explained that the hybrid model will resume on Tuesday, January 19, 2021. He noted that the DCHD did not recommend closing schools, therefore, some students will attend in small groups during the pause. He noted that, while the implementation of the hybrid model in grades K-5 was short, it was critical to connect students and staff, and practice the model. Mr. Wilder reviewed a variety of health data with the Board which showed that the peak numbers were in early November and the numbers, while not ideal, are dropping and moving in the right direction. He urged the community to continue to follow CDC guidelines to keep the trend going so students can return to school on January 19th.

7.02 2021-2022 District Calendar - 2nd Reading*

Motion by Jeff A Jacobson, second by Eric N Jones, to approve the 2021-2022 District Calendar as presented.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Aye: Julenne Davey, Jeff A Jacobson, Eric N Jones, Jim J Dombek

7.03 Future-Focused

Mr. Wilder stated that tonight's future-focused topic is the increased integration of technology. He discussed how technology could be utilized to enhance educational opportunities even after the pandemic. He pointed out some areas in the District's Strategic Design plan that point to how technology can be used for challenging and exciting online learning. He noted that technology can increase student engagement and give them opportunities beyond the classroom. He explained that the use of technology can facilitate flexibility in scheduling as well as differentiated learning. Mr. Wilder reviewed some goals with the Board: maintain the appropriate infrastructure to support the current, short-term and long-term implementation of technology throughout the district; involve staff in the planning process and the review and piloting of hardware and software; provide professional development, etc. He shared some other possible goals, including: site visits where technology is being used effectively; brainstorming and "outside the box" thinking; and reviewing the District's practices for successes and areas of improvement.

8. Open Discussion and Future Agenda Items

8.01 Open Discussion, Issues, Observations, Questions


8.02 Future Agenda Items

Discussion on how the District can fill the educational gaps that may have occurred this year.

9. Executive Session

9.01 Executive Session for the Consideration of Matters Related to the Appointment, Employment, Compensation, or Dismissal of Personnel and Imminent Litigation*

Motion by Eric N Jones, second by Jeff A Jacobson, that the Board of Education adjourn to executive session for the consideration of matters related to the appointment, employment, compensation, or dismissal of personnel and imminent litigation.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Aye: Julenne Davey, Jeff A Jacobson, Eric N Jones, Jim J Dombek

In at 8:45 p.m. and Out at 8:57 p.m.

10. Action Items from Executive Session

10.01 Approval of the Personnel Report; Employment, Leaves*

Motion by Eric N Jones, second by Julenne Davey, to approve the personnel report as presented.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Aye: Julenne Davey, Jeff A Jacobson, Eric N Jones, Jim J Dombek

11. Adjournment

11.01 Adjournment

Motion by Jeff A Jacobson, second by Jim J Dombek, to adjourn the meeting at 8:58 p.m.

Final Resolution: Motion Carried

Aye: Julenne Davey, Jeff A Jacobson, Eric N Jones, Jim J Dombek
