DeKalb County Mental Health Board Met Feb. 22.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
Board Members Virtually Present: Jane Smith, Marilyn Stromborg, Jerry Helland, Jennie Geltz, Perry Maier, Laurie Emmer, Sue Plote, Meghan Cook, Robert Cook
Board Members - Absent:
Other Persons Present: Vinh Le, Intern
Office Staff Present: Deanna Cada, Kathy Ostdick
1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by the President, Jane Smith, at 6:00 PM. Ms. Ostdick took attendance and all Board Members listed above were present.
2. Pledge of Allegiance
Ms. Smith led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance.
3. Agenda
Dr. Stromborg moved to approve the agenda; seconded by Ms. Cook. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
4. Minutes
Ms. Cook moved to approve the minutes of the 1/25/21 Board meeting; seconded by Mr. Maier. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
5. Announcements
Ms. Cada shared with the Board that she had gotten a thank you letter and a certificate from the Census Bureau for her work on helping with the 2020 Census.
Ms. Cada read a letter to the Board from Police departments who attended the CIT training. The letter thanked the Board for the training opportunity and stated how advantageous it was.
6. Director’s Report
Ms. Cada reported that the office is hosting a Supervise the Supervisor workshop tomorrow morning. This is the second workshop by Dr. Toni Tollerud.
Ms. Cada informed the Board that she attended a Zoom meeting of the Illinois Partnership of Human Services where the budget was discussed. The group was informed that the 2021 budget recommendation was flat-lined by Governor Pritzker.
Ms. Cada and Ms. Volk gave an in-person workshop to the Leadership Academy on Mental Health.
7. Community Input
There was no community input.
8. Finance Reports
Mr. Helland moved to approve the February 2021 agency claims in the amount of $196,076.12; seconded by Ms. Emmer. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote as follows: Ms. Cook – yes, Mr. Cook – yes, Ms. Emmer – yes, Ms. Geltz – yes, Mr. Helland – yes, Mr. Maier – yes, Ms. Plote – yes, Dr. Stromborg – yes, Ms. Smith – yes.
Ms. Plote moved to approve the February 2021 office claims in the amount of $20,577.87; seconded by Ms. Emmer. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote as follows: Ms. Cook – yes, Mr. Cook – yes, Ms. Emmer – yes, Ms. Geltz – yes, Mr. Helland – yes, Mr. Maier – yes, Ms. Plote – yes, Dr. Stromborg – yes, Ms. Smith – yes.
9. Executive Committee
Ms. Smith briefly recapped the Executive Committee meeting on February 9, 2021.
10. Finance Committee
A. Betsy Hull Financial Indicators discussion:
Dr. Stromborg described the Financial Indicators form that is similar to the Trend Analysis produced by Mr. Schluter. Ms. Cada added that she will be having a meeting with The Community Foundation and will be discussing if our Board will be able to use the Betsy Hull program.
B. Behavioral Healthcare Workforce Capacity proposal:
Ms. Cada discussed with the Board the need for this Workforce Capacity funding to attract and keep qualified employees at the agencies that provide Mental Health, Substance Abuse, and Developmental Disability services to DeKalb County.
Ms. Plote moved to approve $20,000 for the Workforce Capacity Grant to be taken out of line item 8205 Special Projects; seconded by Dr. Stromborg. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
C. DeKalb County Youth Service Bureau financial request:
The Board discussed the reallocation request from DCYSB and approved only the Active Parenting of Teens portion.
Ms. Plote moved to approve the financial request from the DeKalb County Youth Service Bureau to reallocate $6,450 for the Active Parenting of Teens program for the GY21 grant year; seconded by Dr. Stromborg. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
11. Impact (Outcomes) Committee
The Impact Committee did not meet.
12. Suicide Programming Ad Hoc Committee
A. Suicide Prevention/Intervention Presentation by Ms. Cook and Ms. Geltz
Ms. Cook and Ms. Geltz gave a presentation to the Board on Suicide Prevention/Intervention.
B. Recommendation – QPR Training Module
The Board discussed the different suicide prevention models.
Ms. Plote moved to approve the QPR Program and for Ms. Cada to purchase 550 slots for a total of $5,472.00; seconded by Mr. Helland. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
13. DEI Ad Hoc Committee
Ms. Cada told the Board that the DEI Committee met and about 15 people attended, 6 said they could not attend. Ms. Cada is scheduling a second meeting and gave a brief description of how the committee is moving forward.
14. Old Business
A. GY22 Grant applications and process – update
Ms. Cada shared with the Board that today at noon was the deadline for GY22 application submissions. 24 organizations applied, 2 of those are new organizations, and 53 programs were applied for
B. One-Year and Three-Year plan
Ms. Cada told the Board that she spoke to Courtney Hughes and asked her to contact the publisher to see when the report will be finished.
15. New Business
A. Ms. Cada asked the Board for permission for Ms. Cook and Ms. Cada to attend a Suicide Prevention conference in April. This will be partially on-line and partially in-person. Ms. Cada said she would like to register herself and Ms. Cook to hold their places. Dr. Stromborg, Ms. Plote, and Ms. Smith all said they support registering for the conference.
16. Adjournment
Next meeting March 15, 2021 at 6:30 pm.
Dr. Stromborg moved to adjourn at 7:35 pm; seconded by Ms. Cook. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote as follows: Ms. Cook – yes, Mr. Cook – yes, Ms. Emmer – yes, Ms. Geltz – yes, Mr. Helland – yes, Ms. Plote – yes, Dr. Stromborg – yes, Ms. Smith – yes