
DeKalb Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

DeKalb County Health & Human Services Committee met March 4

Webp 2

Patrick Deutsch, DeKalb County Board Member | DeKalb County

Patrick Deutsch, DeKalb County Board Member | DeKalb County

DeKalb County Health & Human Services Committee met March 4.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

The Health & Human Services Committee of the DeKalb County Board met on Monday, March 4, 2024, in the Legislative Center’s Gathertorium in Sycamore, Illinois. Vice Chair Savannah Ilenikhena called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Those members present were Meryl Domina, Michelle Pickett, Chris Porterfield, and Vice Chair Savannah Ilenikhena. A quorum was established with four members present and three absent. Chair Rukisha Crawford arrived at 6:46 p.m. Joe Marcinkowski and Amber Quitno were absent.

Others present included Mental Health Board Director Deanna Cada, County Administrator Brian Gregory, County Board Member Rhonda Henke, Administrative Analyst Liam Sullivan, and County Board Chair Ellingsworth Webb.


Chris Porterfield moved to approve the agenda as presented. Meryl Domina seconded the motion, and the motion was approved.


Michelle Pickett moved to approve the minutes of the February 5, 2024 committee meeting, Chris Porterfield seconded the motion and the motion carried.


There were no public comments.


Senior Tax Levy Overview and Presentation for Grant Year 2025

Mental Health Board Director Deanna Cada reviewed the information that has been made available to the committee to facilitate their review of the agency applications and materials. She outlined the schedule for April presentations and added that she is available for any questions or concerns the committee may have.

DCRNC Operational Update from Bart Becker, DCRNC Administrator

County Administrator Brian Gregory provided the DCRNC update in Bart Becker’s absence. He mentioned that Becker was unable to attend the committee meeting due to the state’s scheduling of the DCRNC’s annual inspection and stated that Becker’s full report will be provided next month.

Gregory outlined that the initial meeting of the DCRNC Oversight Board will be on March 26th at 6:00 p.m. in the Multi-Purpose Room on the DeKalb campus. He reviewed that the county should be granted an extension for the original Certificate of Need during the Illinois Health Facilities and Services Review Board meeting scheduled for March 12th.

Gregory mentioned that the current census at the DCRNC is 105, and that the center continues to hire staff with staffing agency costs decreasing. He added that efforts to secure healthcare contracts continue and reiterated that Becker will provide a full report next month.


Resolution R2024-028 – A Resolution Authorizing the County Administrator to Execute the UnitedHealthcare Veteran’s Affairs Community Care Network Participation Agreement. Brian Gregory outlined that the committee is being presented with a series of contracts for which approval is sought, so that once minor details of the legal review are completed, the agreements will be ready to execute.

Chris Porterfield motioned to approve Resolution R2024-028, Michelle Pickett seconded the motion and the motion passed.

Resolution R2024-029 – A Resolution Awarding the Contract for FY2023 Medicare and Medicaid Cost Report Preparation Services to RSM US LLP in the Amount not to Exceed $14,200. Brian Gregory reviewed that Bart Becker strongly recommends this contract with RSM to allow some service provider diversification.

Following the reading of Resolution R2024-029, Chair Crawford immediately called for a voice vote and the vote resulted in an approval of the resolution.

Resolution R2024-030 – A Resolution Authorizing the County Administrator to Execute the Agreement for Inpatient Hospice Services for Symptom Management and Pain Control with Northern Illinois Hospice.

Brian Gregory provided an overview of the agreement and following the reading of Resolution R2024-030, Chair Crawford immediately called for a voice vote and the vote resulted in an approval of the resolution.

Resolution R2024-031 – A Resolution Authorizing the County Administrator to Execute the Agreement for Respite Care Services with Northern Illinois Hospice.

Brian Gregory provided an overview of the agreement.

Chris Porterfield motioned to approve Resolution R2024-031, Savannah Ilenikhena seconded the motion and the motion passed.

Resolution R2024-032 – A Resolution Authorizing the County Administrator to Execute the Agreement for Hospice Care for Skilled Nursing Facility and Nursing Facility Residents with Northern Illinois Hospice.

Resolution R2024-033 – A Resolution Authorizing the County Administrator to Execute the Hospice Services Agreement with Heartland Hospice.

Resolution 2024-034 – A Resolution Authorizing the County Administrator to Execute the Inpatient Care Services Agreement with Heartland Hospice.

Resolution 2024-035 – A Resolution Authorizing the County Administrator to Execute the Nursing Facility Services Agreement and Respite Care Addendum with Addus Hospice of Illinois.

Chris Porterfield motioned to approve Resolutions R2024-032, 033, 034, and 035. Savannah Ilenikhena seconded the motion and the motion carried.






It was moved by Savannah Ilenikhena and seconded by Chris Porterfield to adjourn the meeting. The motion was carried, and the meeting adjourned at 6:54 p.m.
