
DeKalb Times

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Dekalb Planning & Zoning Commission met Dec. 16

Webp 7

Greg Perkins, 4th Ward Alderman | City of Dekalb

Greg Perkins, 4th Ward Alderman | City of Dekalb

City of Dekalb Planning & Zoning Commission met Dec. 16.

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:

The Planning and Zoning Commission held a meeting on December 16, 2024, in the Yusunas Meeting Room at the DeKalb Public Library, 309 Oak Street, DeKalb, Illinois. Vice Chair McMahon called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM.


Recording Secretary, Olivia Doss, called the roll. Planning and Zoning Commission members present were: Vice Chair Bill McMahon, Steve Becker, Trixy O’Flaherty, and Jerry Wright. Commission Chair Max Maxwell and Commission member Maria Pena-Graham were absent. Planning Director Dan Olson was present representing the City.

B. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA (Additions/Deletions)

Vice Chair McMahon requested a motion to approve the December 16, 2024, agenda as presented. Mr. Wright motioned to approve the agenda as presented. Ms. O’Flaherty seconded the motion, and the motion was approved by unanimous voice vote.


1. December 2, 2024 – Vice Chair McMahon requested a motion to approve the December 2, 2024, minutes as presented. Mr. Becker motioned to approve the minutes as submitted. Mr. Wright seconded the motion, and the motion was approved by unanimous voice vote.

D. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION (Open Floor to Anyone Wishing to Speak on Record)



1. Public Hearing – A petition by MasTec for AT&T Mobility, represented by Matthew Fitzgibbon, for approval of a special use permit for antennas and associated communications equipment on the existing tower at 1500 S. 7th St.

Ariel Keiner gave the presentation on behalf of MasTec for AT&T Mobility. She began to review the petition, including the special use standards in the Unified Development Ordinance. Ms. Keiner then recapped the petition, explaining AT&T is hoping to install nine (9) antennas at the 200-foot mark on the existing 300-foot tower. She concluded her presentation by further detailing the type of equipment that will be installed, including the walk-up cabinetry, generator and fence.

Vice Chair McMahon thanked Ms. Keiner for her thorough presentation and transitioned the floor to Mr. Olson for his Staff Report. Mr. Olson thanked Ms. Keiner for her presentation. He explained the petitioner, MasTec for AT&T Mobility, is requesting approval of a special use permit for antennas and associated communications equipment on the existing lattice tower at 1500 S. 7th St. Mr. Olson noted the zoning of the site is “LI” Light Industrial District and antennas and associated communications equipment on existing towers are a special use.

Mr. Olson stated a total of nine (9) antennas are proposed and will be located about 200 feet up on the existing 300 ft. tower. He further explained associated ground equipment is also proposed in a 15-foot x 30-foot lease area. The proposed lease area will be located just south of the existing tower.

The existing 20-foot-wide access drive to S. 7th St. that AT&T uses will be maintained and slightly extended to the new lease area. Mr. Olson added AT&T Mobility will establish access and utility easements over the drive and other areas to allow for the right to access the property and to extend the necessary utilities. He said the new ground equipment will include cabinets, a generator, and ice bridge and will be surrounded by a six (6) foot high chain link fence, which will include three (3) strands of barbed wire on top of the fence. He noted landscape plantings around the fence are also proposed meeting the requirements in the UDO. A total of nine (9), six (6) foot high Emerald Green Arborvitae plants are planned around the south and eastern portions of the lease area just outside the fence.

Mr. Olson confirmed the applicant has provided supporting information regarding the conditions for a special use for cell antennas as described in Article 7.08.08 of the UDO, and the City recommended approval. To conclude, he touched on the history on this site, explaining in 2020 the City approved a special use permit to allow Verizon Wireless to place antennas on the existing tower with supporting ground equipment. In 2023, at the request of Verizon, the City Council approved an ordinance revoking the special use permit.

Mr. Olson mentioned one public comment was received via email from David Lehman, 621 Karen Ave., in support of the project. He stated Mr. Lehman commended the City for recommending co location in lieu of adding additional towers.

Vice Chair McMahon opened the public hearing up for any audience members. One audience member was present who chose to speak.

Toni Moon, of 1503 S. 7th Street, inquired which side of the lease area would the landscaping be going on. She stated the west side faces a residential area and the east side backs up to railroad tracks. She also inquired if the proposed generator would create a lot of noise. Mr. Olson clarified the landscaping would be going on the south and east sides of the property, but not the west. Ms. Kleiner noted the generators are quiet and do not make much noise. Mr. Olson added he has not received any complaints about noise from generators at other cell tower facilities.

Ms. Moon questioned if the red tail hawk she suspects has a nest in the tower would be protected. Ms. Kleiner confirmed it would be.

No additional public comments were made, and Vice Chair McMahon closed the public hearing.

Mr. Becker asked about the benefits of adding the antennas. Ms. Keiner explained it is mostly to help those with AT&T service in that area and businesses as well. She clarified the City of DeKalb does not currently have strong AT&T coverage in the area. Mr. Becker agreed there was a large dead zone in that portion of DeKalb.

Vice Chair McMahon requested a motion. Mr. Wright moved that based upon the submitted petition, testimony presented and findings of fact, the Planning and Zoning Commission forward its findings of fact and recommend to the City Council approval of a special use permit for antennas and associated communications equipment on the existing tower at 1500 S. 7th St. for AT&T Mobility as shown on Exhibit A. Ms. O’Flaherty seconded the motion.

A roll call vote was taken: Becker – yes, O’Flaherty – yes, McMahon – yes, Wright – yes. Commission Chair Maxwell and Commission member Pena-Graham were absent. Motion passed 4-0-2.


Planning Director Olson advised the Commission there would be a meeting on January 6, 2025. A Concept Plan review for a solar field on 30 acres at Peace Road and Greenwood Acres Drive will be on the agenda. He reminded them no official recommendation will be made and confirmed they would be receiving additional information regarding the solar field by the end of this week.

Mr. Olson provided the Commission with the 2025 meeting schedule, noting the second meeting in January will be on a Tuesday due to Monday being a holiday.

He also provided them with a handout of the Community Development Department’s published 2025 Budget. He discussed a packet of before and after photos showcasing projects the Commission has reviewed and approved in 2024. He noted how even small projects look much better with the improvements the Commission approved and the conditions they implemented. He noted he has not received any complaints regarding any of the projects they’ve approved, including the several variances approved for fences. Mr. Olson noted the case-by-case procedure they follow for variances is working well.

Mr. Wright inquired about the Kraft-Heinz building. Mr. Olson responded he is only able to state what has already been mentioned by the City. He could not provide any further comment.


Vice Chair McMahon requested a motion to Adjourn. Ms. O’Flaherty motioned to adjourn, and Mr. Wright seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 6:20 p.m.
